#WomanontheMove Spotlight on Délite Whitening
Délite Whitening is the ever-popular teeth-whitening business created by two inspiring millennials, Marlynnda & Tahina, in West Palm Beach, Florida. We had the opportunity to catch up with them and learn: what inspires and motivates them, provoking insight on entrepreneurship, and why nurturing your mental health can positively influence your business. Please continue reading for the beautiful gems these two shared with us.
How did you two choose to become business partners & how has the journey been?

Owners of Délite Whitening
You often hear not to mix money and friendship. But, this rare instance we have been able to make it work. We’ve been friends since junior high and have talked about owning a business since then. When the opportunity presented itself we went for it, knowing that we both could trust and understand each other’s work ethic. Most of all, we shared the same vision. You want co-founders who will push you, who can make you nervous — the sort of people whose intelligence and drive make you feel as though you’ve got to operate beyond your limits just so you aren’t playing catch-up. You also want them to know something you don’t. The right co-founders should have skills and expertise beyond the scope of what you know, that is what makes our team.
Can you tell us what makes your business unique?

We offer a concierge service. When you want your teeth whitened, we’re bringing a celebrity treatment right to the front of your door.
What are the most impactful life lessons that you’ve learned to date, in relation to the women you’ve become?

One of the most impactful life lessons we’ve learned as women entrepreneurs, period, is to never rely on someone else to live out your dreams. Your goals are YOURS! If you decide to step out and be brave as an entrepreneur, you can’t be upset if others don’t see your vision to support it.
How does your business empower women?

We help build confidence and try to make an effort to give back. Both of us are active members in the community. One of the organizations we do work with is called Girls 2 Women. With them we work alongside other women to mentor young girls in underserved areas.
How important has mentorship been to your success?

“You know, you do need mentors. But in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself.” That’s a quote from Diana Ross, which is perfect because when we think of the mentors in our business, those are the giants that help us navigate. But, ultimately all decisions are up to us to make.
What are 5 things that have helped you have success in business that every entrepreneur must do to grow?
- Know your WHY.
- Who are you targeting?
- Who are you helping?
- What are you helping?
- How is this fulfilling to you?
What is one thing that you would have done differently at the beginning or height of your journey? Why?

Not be so afraid of failure. Through the journey, you learn to appreciate the process. It’s natural to make mistakes along the way, most of what we know was learned either on accident or by mistake. There’s no real how-to guide to entrepreneurship.
When in your career have you found it most necessary to collaborate?

Collaboration is key and we hear that quite often. Whether you’re starting out or expanding.
What tools or people were necessary for you to build or scale your business?
Social media is big. Social media is so powerful and you have to be strategic using it, we are lucky to have started at the beginning of the craze, so we managed to maximize a lot on just creating a story for our followers.
What are some daily, weekly or monthly practices that help you protect your mental health?
Daily affirmations, talk nice to yourself and use conscious language. For most of us, we are our biggest critic, and we beat ourselves up so many times for not accomplishing a task or reaching a certain goal. Learning that the way you think and talk can truly manifest the way your life is shaped is critical.
What books have helped you grow personally or professionally?
One of the most recent books read was ‘Millionaire Moves’ and ‘Conscious Language’. Both books were able to help our growth on both levels.
Can you offer any advice for new entrepreneurs?

Don’t be so quick to ditch your 9-5, entrepreneurship is a buzz word right now and it’s really important that you know your WHY.
What is one thing you wish you knew in advance before starting your business?

Well, there are a couple! However, one of the most important is learning that you will have some losses. You need to learn how to overcome them and keep pushing.
Learn more about Délite Whitening by visiting https://www.delitewhitening.com/