How to Influence Your Subconscious with Positivity
Your subconscious is always working, taking in information and storing it, even when we don’t think we’re really paying attention. This can have either a positive or a negative effect on the way we think and feel, depending on what we’re surrounding ourselves with. By examining and guiding the things in your life you can control, like the music you listen to, the shows you watch, and the people you follow on social media, you can influence your thoughts and feelings behind the scenes with almost no effort at all.

Music can be a great mood-booster, but it also has the potential to sneak negative thoughts into your subconscious. Consider the lyrics and overall messages of the songs you listen to. Are they about engaging in self-destructive habits? Are the lyrics degrading others? It’s easy to brush off a negative song or lyric just because the song has a cool beat and a catchy melody, but these negative messages are still being stored somewhere in your brain. If you find that you listen to a lot of negative songs, try looking for songs that emote more positive messages, like self-love, having fun, or female power. Obviously, you can still listen to all the songs you love, but by steering yourself towards positivity in music, you will be steering your subconscious that way, too.

The shows and movies we watch have the same effect on us that music does. Try taking the same approach to your favorite shows, and ask yourself what kinds of thoughts and feelings those shows are instilling in your mind. Even if you’re multitasking, a reality show that features petty, mean people will still add negativity into the material your subconscious picks up on. Especially if it’s not a show you’re super invested in, ditch your reality shows in favor of witty comedies or dramas that center on family and friends who come together and choose love. By choosing these shows instead, you’ll be teaching yourself how you want to behave and what you want to prioritize.

Another easy thing to consider is your social media feeds. Although it’s typically painted in a bad light, social media doesn’t have to be negative. You can control the types of accounts you follow, so take advantage of that control! Every time you see a post that makes you feel bad about yourself or look down on others, unfollow the account. It doesn’t matter who it is; you deserve positivity in your life, and it’s your right to remove anything negative from your feed. On the flipside, follow people whose posts make you happy! Find accounts that post pictures of their puppy, their art, or whatever makes you smile, and add those posts to your feed for a daily boost of happiness.
There are tons of other ways to influence your subconscious brain through your environment. See what else you can find! A small change is sometimes all it takes to turn your thoughts around.
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