Get What You Want Out of Life Using These 4 Effective Steps
In order to get whatever you want out of life, it is truly imperative to be clear on EXACTLY what you want, have standards, and never settle. Here are a few powerful strategies to help you to secure the life you want!
- Live Your Truth – It’s so important to be authentic to yourself and own your truth. When I was younger, sometimes I would get a little embarrassed when I was called “high-maintenance” or labeled “too much”. The implication was always that I should “tone it down” and be a little less dramatic. This came up often when I was dating and some men thought I was “really cool” and would be perfect, if I could only just be a little less opinionated, less outspoken or less emotional. I honestly did try, I’m sad to confess. I wanted to be considered more “ladylike” and more reserved, but ultimately, the “real me” would always be unleashed. Eventually, I came to accept that a passionate, vivacious, outspoken, sometimes loud and overly dramatic person was just who I was and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Being comfortable in my own skin has made me happier and more confident, allowing me to redirect energy from trying to change my core, to the more important things in life.
- Let Your Heart Be Your Guide – Similar to #1, sometimes, we pursue things for money or paths that society accepts or deems more respectable, but that don’t necessarily resonate with us. To that end, you will always find yourself longing for more and never truly satisfied. If you can pursue something that you are passionate about, a. you can avoid wasting a lot of time and b. it’s only a matter of time before the money and stability follow. Wouldn’t it be truly amazing to build a life around doing something you actually enjoy instead of settling for something that makes it hard to get out of bed in the morning?
- See the Big Picture, Then Drill Down & Write it All Down – Studies show that there is infinite power in writing your goals down. It makes an imprint on your subconscious and renders it more real and attainable. Like energy, you are setting things in motion when you take your dreams out of your head and write them down. This is a real actionable step you can take in creating the life you want. I write everything down. Not in my phone, but on an actual piece of paper with a pen. I have to-do lists everywhere because it just helps me function and get more done. When it comes to goals, the best approach is to start at the top and then, break it down into actionable steps. You are basically building a customized road map to your dream.
- Surround Yourself With Like-minded Individuals – Stay away from energy vampires and Debbie Downers. These people will only drag you down and drain you of the positivity and essential life force you need to create your charmed life. It’s imperative that you guard yourself and protect your dreams, as if your life depends on it, because ultimately, it does. Once you’ve decided that you are going to the moon and beyond, you’ll realize that some people in your life are simply not meant to accompany you on that journey.