Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
If you want to put yourself in a prime position to accomplish your goals, then it’s imperative that you effuse and resonate positivity. By consciously choosing to remain positive, you can directly and effectively place yourself in a prime position to accomplish whatever you set out to do. Achievement starts with a winning mindset.
Here are some helpful methods to bring you closer to transforming your thoughts for the better:

- Be Positive – You can help alter negative thoughts with consistent and constant positive affirmations. If you feed yourself positivity, ability, and a purposeful existence with no limitations, then undoubtedly, you will raise your vibrational energy and set into motion a chain of events that will attract people and opportunities with these same qualities. Do research on some of the attributes you want to possess and start finding affirmations that support this. Repeat daily until you have truly embraced this for yourself.
- Stop Beating Yourself Up – A fact of life. We are all human and make mistakes. Sometimes we are definitely embarrassed and regretful but this shouldn’t prevent you from moving ahead. Negative self-talk can truly hamper your personal development and hinder you from moving forward in life. Instead of “Nothing good ever happens to me” or “ I’ll never be wealthy.” Re-visit #1 and start training yourself to “speak life” over your life.
- Gratitude for the Win – Being grateful is an automatic mood adjuster. I have gotten to the point where when I feel myself feeling dejected and gearing up to launch a pity party, I just start silently listing everything I am grateful for. Sometimes it’s the seemingly smallest things. Food, hot water, etc. Once you get to this place of being thankful, your mood is elevated and your feel recharged to turn your attention to bigger things. So the next time you feel or frustrated, take a minute to give thanks.
- Be Content With the Present – This is not to say that you shouldn’t set goals or hope and desire for more than what you have and are. However, there is true power in owning your status quo and appreciating how far you’ve come. It’s easy to always look to Friday, the weekend, that vacation, next week, next month but seek solace in today. There is beauty and love in your present day that can be comforting to acknowledge.
- Set Your Intention on Being Happy Daily – A few years ago on a solo trip to Tulum, I read this book: Creating A Charmed Life: Sensible, Spiritual Secrets Every Busy Woman Should Know by Victoria Moran. This book is all about truly living your best life, treating yourself divinely, residing in tranquility and peace and pursuing your hearts desires. I find myself revisiting this book from time to time as it serves as a reminder of small habits to acquire that help solidify my beautiful life.

The information you consume on a regular basis and what you turn your attention to can certainly influence your thoughts, vibrations, and energy, so please be cognizant of this when making decisions on what you focus on. Your personal development absolutely depends on it.